

As a further step towards Social SERPs Google introduces the new "+1" button. It is a commitment to social factors in search. In the future Google will display a little button labeled "+1" next to search hits. By clicking this button users can show Google that they "like" a certain search hit. In its official blog Google tells that the clicks on the button will influence the order in which the search hits are displayed. The button will be shown next to both organic and sponsored search hits. Search hits that have been "+1d" by users that Google knows as your friends will be ranked higher, but also clicks by other users that you do not know will have an effect.


Social factors are going to displace links as a ranking factor

Social factors become more and more influential, linking loses relevance. Concerning to a seomoz article the number of Facebook shares or Tweets in summation are more relevant than the number of root domains linking to a website. An advantage of these factors is that they are hard to game. Google has lots of information concerning its users which make it difficult to cheat. The probability of being detected is high. Google and Bing use metrics like Author Authority that is calculated from the number of contacts or followers a user has.

Great Leap Forward for Social factors

The new +1 button will be rolled out for the english Google sites first. If not available yet you can test the new feature on Google Experimental labs. You must be logged into your Google account to try. As a next step Google has announced to publish the +1 button for implementation in your own websites. Website owners can prospectively get statistics describing how many people "1d" their sites. The same will be available for ad customers.

Picture (C) Thommy Weiss /



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